
Safeguarding is not just a policy for us; it's a sacred trust. We at All Saints' in Melbourn and Holy Trinity in Meldreth take the well-being and safety of all our members and visitors extremely seriously.


We follow the Church of England's national safeguarding and our church and safeguarding officers are trained and committed to ensuring that everyone especially children, young people, and vulnerable adults are protected from harm. For more detailed information on our safeguarding practices and who to contact if you have any concerns, please see:


Policy Document - Click on links below


Action Plan - Currently being reviewed by the Vicar


For all Safeguarding matters please call:

Safeguarding Duty Telephone Number: 01353 652747


While we strive to uphold the strictest standards, we acknowledge that safeguarding is an ongoing process. We welcome community input and are open to continual improvement.

All Saints' Safeguarding Docs

Holy Trinity Safeguarding Docs

Privacy Policy

Safe Spaces